
Photo: Dolly Kikon



Kikon, D., and K. Tamma. (2024). ‘Laughter and Fieldwork in Nagaland: A Dialogue,’ ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies, 23(3): 247-259.

Kikon, D. (2024). ‘About Flying, Life, and Hope to get you all back from Oxford University,’ ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies, 23(2), pp. 106-110.

Kikon, D., and J. Rodrigues. (2023). ‘Foraging through Impending Loss,’ Vittles.

Kikon, D. (2023). ‘‘Morom’ as a Framework for Understanding Militarization and Resistance in Northeast India,’ The Internationalist Newsletter.

Kikon, D. (2022). ‘Extractive Stories and Theories in Northeast India.’ Seminar, 571, pp. 25-30.

Kikon, D. (2021). ‘Dirty Food: Racism and Casteism in India‘, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 45 (2), pp. 278-97.

Kikon, D. (2021). ‘Bamboo Shoot in Our Blood: Fermenting Flavors and Identities in Northeast India‘, Current Anthropology, 62(S24), pp. 376-387.

Kikon, D. and Barbora, S. (2021). ‘The Rehabilitation Zone: Living with Lemons and Elephants in Assam’, Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 4(3), pp. 1121-1138.

Kikon, D. (2021). ‘Hello Chinky‘, Hotspots, Fieldsights, March 16.

Kikon D. (2020). ‘Seasons of Life and Seasons of Law: Law, Anthropology, and Eating Bambooshoot and Dogmeat‘, Jindal Law and Humanities Review 1, pp. 129-138.

Kikon, D. (2020) ‘Toxic Ecologies: Assam, Oil, and a Crude Future‘, The India Forum, 7 August.

Kikon, D. and Karlsson, B. G. (2020) ‘Light Skin and Soft Skills: Training Indigenous Migrants for the Hospitality Sector in India’, Ethnos, 85(2), pp. 258–275. doi: 10.1080/00141844.2018.1543717.

Kikon, D. (2019) ‘On methodology: research and fieldwork in Northeast India’, The Highlander: Journal of Highland Asia, 1(1), pp. 37–40.

Karlsson, B. G. and Kikon, D. (2017) ‘Wayfinding: Indigenous Migrants in the Service Sector of Metropolitan India’, South Asia: Journal of South Asia Studies, 40(3), pp. 447–462. doi: 10.1080/00856401.2017.1319145.

Kikon, D. (2017a) ‘Jackfruit seeds from Jharkhand: Being adivasi in Assam’, Contributions to Indian Sociology, 51(3), pp. 313–337. doi: 10.1177/0069966717720575.

Kikon, D. (2017b) ‘Terrifying Picnics, Vernacular Human Rights, Cosmos Flowers: Ethnography about Militarised Cultures in Northeast India’, explorations: E-journal of the Indian Sociological Society, 1(1), pp. 48–71.

McDuie-Ra, D. and Kikon, D. (2016) ‘Tribal communities and coal in Northeast India: The politics of imposing and resisting mining bans’, Energy Policy, 99, pp. 261–269.

Kikon, D. (2015a) ‘Fermenting Modernity: Putting Akhuni on the Nation’s Table in India’, South Asia: Journal of South Asia Studies, 38(2), pp. 320–335. doi: 10.1080/00856401.2015.1031936.

Kikon, D. (2015b) ‘Making Pickles during a Ceasefire: Livelihood, Sustainability, and Development in Nagaland’, Economic & Political Weekly, 50(9), pp. 74–78.

Kikon, D. (2015c) ‘What is unique about Naga history?’, Economic & Political Weekly, 50(35), pp. 15–18.

Kikon, D. (2013) ‘Tasty Transgressions: Food and Social Boundaries in the Foothills of Northeast India’, Anthropology News, 54(1–2), pp. 15–16.

Kikon, D. (2010) ‘Destroying differences, schooling consent: a critical analysis of education policy in Indian-administered Nagaland’, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, 4(2), pp. 232–248. doi: 10.1080/1464937032000112971.

Kikon, D. (2009) ‘The predicament of justice: Fifty years of Armed Forces Special Powers Act in India’, Contemporary South Asia, 17(3), pp. 271–282.

Kikon, D. (2008) ‘Borders, Bagans and Bazaars: Locating the Foothills along the Naga Hills in Northeast India’, Biblio, 13(5-6), pp.21-23.

Kikon, D. (2005a) ‘Engaging Naga Nationalism: Can Democracy Function in Militarised Societies?’, Economic & Political Weekly, 40(26), pp. 2833–2837.

Kikon, D. (2005b) ‘Operation Hornbill Festival 2004’, Seminar, (550).

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