Tokhü Emong Bird Count

Photo: Dolly Kikon


Tokhü Emong Bird Count

Started in 2022, the Tokhü Emong Bird Count (TEBC) is the first bird documentation event in Nagaland. The event is organised by the Wokha Forest Division and the Divisional Management Unit, Nagaland Forest Management Project (NFMP), Bird Count India, and powered by eBird India.

The aim of the event is to create awareness and celebrate the rich bird diversity in Nagaland and beyond. Celebrated on 7th November, Tokhü Emong is the post-harvest festival of the Lotha Nagas and is considered as a time for celebration, reconciliation, and sharing.

In 2023, research members of the project, Practicing Food Sovereignty: Indigenous Peoples and Agroecological Relationships in the Eastern Himalayas are collaborating with the TEBC event. Our intention is to highlight the significance of birds in this biodiversity-rich area falling under the

Eastern Himalayan and Indo-Burma biodiversity hotspots. Birds inhabit an ambivalent place among communities in the region as pests and agents of regeneration. Through this campaign, we wish to underscore the role of birds in our lives and their importance in envisioning a sustainable future for both conservationists and farming communities.

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