Leaving the Land

Photo: Andrej Markiewicz


Leaving the Land

Indigenous Migration and Affective Labour in India

During the last decade, indigenous youth from Northeast India have migrated in large numbers to the main cities of metropolitan India to find work and to study. The migration is facilitated by new work opportunities in the hospitality sector, mainly as service personnel in luxury hotels, shopping malls, restaurants and airlines. Prolonged armed conflicts, militarisation, a stagnant economy, corrupt and ineffective governance structures, and the harsh conditions of subsistence agriculture in their home villages or small towns impel the youth to seek opportunities outside their home region. English language skills, a general cosmopolitan outlook as well as a non-Indian physical appearance have proved to be key assets in securing work within the booming hospitality industry. Leaving the Land traces the migratory journeys of these youths and engages with their new lives in cities such as Bengaluru, Mumbai, Hyderabad, and Thiruvananthapuram. Read more http://www.cambridgeblog.org/2019/10/the-job-of-being-hospitable-in-global-india/

Leaving the Land

Indigenous Migration and Affective Labour in India

co-authored with Bengt Karlsson Published 2019, Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, India


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